0197 – New Episode is Scott’s least favorite

Basement: (NSFW!) Comic Book Men. Red 2. I am Legend 2. Omega man. Post apocalyptic: who did it better? Walking Dead chat. Why do we love the end of the world?

Broken News: Walking dead casts the Governor! Your new Robocop is…! Lorax review. MIB3 spoiler? Hunger Games already beats Twilight. IMAX Bond. Night Stalker movie! Phantom Menace joins the Billion $ Club.

Basement: (NSFW!) Scarlett NerfHanson. Hannibal Lector: the TV series? IRL Ninja Turtle movie news. Would Julie Taymor kill cats with a hammer for 10 thousand dollars? American Zorro’s job has been taken. Death Race2. Twisted Metal. Hugo. Justice League:Doom. Pac Man cartoon. 7554. Binary Domain.SSX. Mortal Kombat Complete.

0196 – New episode is Not lenny Kravitz

Basement: (NSFW!) The Facebook episode. We answer your posts. Ghost Rider review. Nic thinks he’s magic! We cast Daredevil. American Horror Story 2. The River. Scott wants Revenge. Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Hunger Games. Jon Carter has problems. Justice League: Doom. Philosophical questions for The Legion of Dumb. Who is Gayser Sozei? Geek: Born this way? Batman classic. George power! WE change the prequels! Super 8. Puss n Boots. The Way. Tower Heist. Unforgiven. The Fades. Atomic Robo. Azuras Wrath. PSVita. Alan Wake. Syndicate. Avengers Toys. Hulk Bitch Slap makes us happy!

0195 – New Episode is a pokeybumwank

Basement: (NSFW!) Back to the Future the musical? Avengers cologne. Wanna smell like Hulk? Here there be monsters. Stretch Armstrong movie. Whats inside? Should I eat it?

Broken News:(NSFW!) Star Wars 3-D. You’re an assh*le, George. This is not the Han you were looking for. Ghost Rider lawsuit. Walking Dead lawsuit. Wolverine movie release date. Dude & Maude reunion. True Blood. American Horror Story season 2. Being Human. Blade Runner sequel. Prometheus 2? Hobbit. Space 19, er, 2099. Dr Who.

Basement: Your email: (NSFW!)Generational geek culture. Who is Luke Skywalker anyway? We pick on General Zod. Aquaman is…popular?! 3D or not 3D? How to Drain your Dragon. Milkneto. Gamer dies, no one notices. Rum Diary. Human Centipede 2. Take Shelter. Nude Nuns with Big Guns. PSVita. Twisted Metal!

0194 – New Episode is Scott’s favorite

Basement: (NSFW!)Watchmen prequels? Avengers Twits. Thor 2 casting news. Beef Milk! X-Men second class? January Jones- there is no ‘there’ there. Clooney is obsessed with Magneto’s club. JJ Abrams Revolution. That show sounds like other shows. Awake. Touch. New Girl? Raising Hope is in the My Name is Earl universe. Green Arrow cast. Powers on TV? Fatale. Anonymous. Harold & Kumar Xmas. Project Nim. Knuckle! Bears & Otters. Throw Mama from the Train. Kingdoms of Amiler. Gotham City Imposters. Darkness 2. Shank 2. Smash. The Stars and filmmakers of Unicorn City join us and offer you 3 chances to SEE THE MOVIE FOR FREE!