0336 – New Episode: Tyranasyphyllis Rex

(NSFW!) Recorded live at Anime Banzai 2014. Special Guest: Sonny Straight. Masta-lanche. Archie vs Predator. Mahatma Romney. Hamalanche. Ultron trailer. Dawn of Justice leaker. WB digital. Cabin Fever. GotG cassette is real. Constantine. Keep Shatner away from new Trek.Reviews: Book of Life. Fury. Nightbreed Directors cut. Sonic Highways. Lots more.

0334 – New Episode: Grodd is god

(NSFW!) Oscarbate. Bowie bulge. Review: Dracula, The Judge. DC fans got the TV. TV news. Casting news. Lego Batman fast tracked. GotG animated. Lost in Space again. Twin Peaks is your mom. Ghostbuster girls. Squirrel Girl is Unbeatable. More.

0333 – New Episode: Jetski in the pool.

(NSFW!) Things are good. Reviews: Gone Girl, Annabelle, Hector. Scrath ‘n sniff Harley. BatStamp. Zombieland 2? Tetris movie? Gotham casts 2Face. Deadpool is in the Xverse. Indy5. Keep the olde folks out of Trek! SDCC is 3 days of foreplay with no finish. Dr Buggar’s buttlotion Snake Plissken. Skull Island. Why does Jimmy hate Bradley Cooper so much? Edge of Tomorrow. More.