0478 – Tall Gimley

(NSFW!) 13th Doctor, D23 Expo news, Avengers: Infinity War, all Disney licences report to Wreck It Ralph 2, Incredibles 2, new stuff at parks, A Wrinkle In Time, Jimmy reviews War for the Planet of the Apes, Why does he have a van? GotGvol2 tidbits, SGU comic book, Solo, DCMU notes, Universal Monsters, Godzilla, lots more

0477 – Adventure’s Last Stop

(NSFW!) Recorded before a Live audience! Our Salt Lake Gaming Con panel, Joan Lee RIP, Spider-man love, the next 3 Spidey movies, At-man & The Wasp, Wars v Trek got real, Will Smith v Will Smith, CE3K, your questions, lots more