Basement: (NSFW) Trailers! Bane says what? It’s an Alien movie, c’mon! Baseball vs Pixar. Hobbit trailer. Message board haters, forget GSPC exists please. A Lego Logolas?! Walking Dead rules NY Times best seller list. If its in Black & White it must be more important. Avengers in 3-D. GI Joe 2 trailer. Dunk Zartan in cold water! American Horror Story season 1…thee best. Season 2 will be totally different. Murray shreds GB3 script. How about GB vs AHS?! Syd & Nancy. Archer. Todd Margaret. OddWorld? Fatist! It doesn’t matter because your still playing Skyrim.

0187 – New Episode: Hate Mail from Gay Island

Basement: (NSFW!) The poor can’t pull off a scheme. Why are there so many songs about assholes? YOU are committing war crimes! Dust for scrotum prints. Teabagging is like dying.
Broken News: (NSFW!) Siri vs Majel. Thor 2. Louis CK is a genius! COD:MW3 is a thing! Review: MI:4 & Sherlock 2. They Good! Dr WHO kicks Amy & Rory out the Tardis! RIP: Joe Simon. Paradise Lost is benched. Just Cause game will be a movie. Rico Rodriguez!!
Basement: (NSFW!) Three Stooges. Farrelly Brothers superhero comedy. Iron Man 3 will rule! Only the elderly will make that joke. Daredevil + The Wire = reboot. Moon Pie:the Movie! Did dad queef again? Futurama. Warrior. Good Will Punching. Catch 44. Underworld. The Old Republic.

0186 – New Episode has a mouthful of plaid

Basement: (NSFW!) Cherry Bang! he is Wampeer! Kate Mulbru. Deltoro is OUT. Dr Peter Weller.
Daredevil 2? Wanna direct Thor 2? American Horror Story. The House makes me want to… SPOILERS: Dark Knight Rises & American Horror Story. And why Terra Nova was and is doomed. Walking Dead. GSPC is better than Talking Dead. The new Munsters? Andre the Giant chooses an ice cream. Dark Shadows is weird to the really weird. Kung Fu Panda 2. Rise of the Apes! Fright Night! Rocketeer. Heavenly Creatures.Tin Tin. Beer saved the World? Sling box. Did he say beards?

0185 – New Episode:Wood floats.Not Natalie.

Basement: (NSFW!) Lets feminize Hitler! General Wile E Coyote. Vamps at sea! They call me Bum Stroker. My heart pills are wet. Del Toro sez: yer a coward!

Broken News:(NSFW!) Alice Eve is in Trek 2! Bryan Singer brings you the Munsters! You’ve seen The Lizard. You WONT see the DKRises prologue. All You Need is Kill. Starship Troopers. Kerry loves the RiffPlayer!

Basement: (NSFW!) We love Casey Wilson & Garrett Wang! Shatner haters. Will play for mushrooms. Spielberg blames Lucas for Indy 4. Indy war! Alan Moore has wizards in his beard. House of Brookestone. Cowboys & Aliens. Hangover 2. Tora Tora Tora! Lady vanishes. MI giftset. Portlandia. MST3K. Captain Power. Mario Cart 7. None of it matters because your still playing Skyrim. You have died of disentary.