0275 – New Episode: The Hero Fanboys deserve

(NSFW!) Kick Ass 2. Worlds End is funniest movie in a long time. Affleck IS Batman, get over it. Bradley Cooper is Rocket Racoon, we make it okay for you. Keep your SHIELD expectations reasonable. Scott liked Sleepy Hollow. Leigh loves Continuum. A message from Shannon. Go to paypal: thebarndogg@gmail.com friends and family. Lots More!

0274 – New Episode: Now with extra Loki!

(NSFW!) Kick Ass2! Sean Young fan, unite! Glenn Close goes to Nantucket. Vin am Groot. Pac Rim fail in Japan? YouTube’s favorite. Hollywood!? Why you no make Deadpool? Harvey W thinks yer stupid. Superhero sex. Predictions for Thor 2. Infinity = $. LOTS More.

0273 – New Episode: 8bit Carlton

(NSFW!) Recorded live at Brewvies. Elysium review. D23. James FrankenVoy. Bad Milo is about a guy with a demon in his ass. Encyclopedia Brown. Firefly online. Marvel Lego. Geekshow vs WuTang. Parenting advice from childless drunks. Best TV shows ever? Your questions. Lots more.

0272 – New Episode: Hookah, please

NSFW! (recorded live at Brewvies) The New Dr is Old. Flash on TV. Hasbro sued. Trek 3 translated. Outrage of the week. Star Wars. Dr Who around the world. Damn the brits! Alan Rickman. Alan Moore. 12 Monkeys the TV show?! Sharknado. Beastie Kirk! Asteroids the Movie! Oblivion. Swamp Thing. Freaked. Ray Donovan. Lots more!