0019 – Mountain Con Pt 2 – Red Shirt Song

So…..yeah.  The latest episode is now available for your prefered digital computer downloading audio listening device.  In it, the future of Sci Fi and Comic Cons are debated.  I still think that maybe they should, for the most part, be eliminated.

Give a listen, fast and pray about it, and then go to the forums and debate you little asses off.  I mean, its gotta be as interesting, and important, as the upcoming election.  Right?

Review us on iTunes and pass the word, please?  This podcast keeps growing and we thank YOU.  We are back in my basement next week.

Eliminate Cons? Encouraging people to go debate on the forum? Thinking the 2008 election would be important? Yes, looking back can be a good reminder that lots of things can change. (Dr. White)

0013 – August 24, 2008

Recording live at Brewvies! First appearance of Leigh George Kade and mention of Mansquatch, Chupacabro. The Manly Men With Girly Names Society reunites. The drink of the episode: The Botany Bay. Shannon hates these. Derek now understands that reference. Sulu was a dick to Kerry. Lou Ferigno was a dick. Superman reboot is going to be dark? Jeff pitches Superman vs. Batman again. Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex. Aquaman movie? Why does it have to be dark? Watchmen – do we need the 3 hour version? Can movies / comedies be too long? Mansquatch vs. Chupacabro. Star Trek vs. Star Wars. The very first Geekshow movie night – Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath of Khan. Vampires. Twilight. (Andy)

0009 – July 27, 2008

The official drink of the episode: The Tony Snow Job. Or Tiger Blood Frazzles. Scott Pierce talks TV. The Clone Wars. Fringe. Caprica. Heroes. Zachary Quinto as Spock? Dollhouse. Doctor Horrible. Smallville. We need an exciting Superman movie, and Mark Millar wants to write it. Mediocre show. Jeff Vice says we need “Superman vs. Batman”(called it). True Blood. HBO’s Real Sex. Avengers movie. Cloak and Dagger comic. Agents of Atlas. Star Wars in 3D. Fanboys movie. MST3K. Wolverine movie. The Myspace page. The Geekshow forums. Mad Men. (Andy)