0223 – New Episode has a powerful belt!

(NSFW!) TV stuff: 305 ft. weeping angel? Dr. Who. B&B. Episodes. Partners. Copper. Doozers. 666 Park Ave. Sleepy Hollow. Do No Harm. Beware The Batman. It gets heavy. Anger Management. Winning. Star Wars 3D.Radiers in Imax. Robocop remake loses House. Thor 2 casting. Travolta in Toxic Avenger reboot? Evil Dead. Dark Tower. Arrow. Rocketeer reboot. Battleship. Starship Troopers. Heat Hunters. Jim Gaffigan. Boardwalk Empire. Walking Dead. God of War. Rachet & Clank. Guild Wars. Madden NFL.

0222 – New Episode likes girls!

(NSFW!) Hunger Games powns Harry Potter. Joss Whedon IS the Marvel Universe. Guardians. Iron Man 3. Daredevil. The Wolverine. Days of Future Past. Big Hollywood members. Assassins Creed movie. Capt. Jack is in (green) Arrow. Venture Bros. toys. Open them and breathe in the lead paint! Gentle Giant Collectibles RULE! Bernie. The Dictator. War Games. Metal Gear Solid. Sniper. Fall of Cybertron. Dark Souls. Counter Strike. Secret World. Stay Angry!

0221 – New episode meets the internet!

(NSFW!) FF reboot in trouble. Man of Steel. Area 51. Thor 2 underground? Bill & Ted 3. Mulder x Scully. Omar is in Robocop! 48fps Hobbits. Kick Ass 2. Alf movie. German luggage co. is suing Marvel. There is a monster in my intestine. Questions for the panel: Streaming services. Geek fashion/culture? Worst villain? Best Hero vs Best villain. Hunger Games. The Raid: Redemption. Jaws blu ray. Tiny Tunes.

0220 – New Episode is Krang’ed

(NSFW!) No ghosts in American Horror Story S2?! Adventure Time artist Derek Hunter. Dredd. Pacific Rim. Great job! JJ’s Earthquake. NO Indy 5. 3 Hobbit movies, we toldja! Ted is $! MOTU movie gets a director. Ant Man in 2014? Guardians of the Galaxy gets a writer. Ghostbusters 3. Dr Who vs Thor 2? Firestorm on Arrow? Is George RR Martin a creeper, or what? Don’t meet your heroes! We actually want Bay’s TMNT movie. TMNT geeking out. Should film critics exist? High Fidelity. Spaceballs. Gross Pointe Blank. more