0201 – New Ep stars Andrew Dice Pierce

Basement: (NSFW!) DC vs Marvel. Avengers vs X-Men. Now you can have a Michael Caine action figure! Journey 3? BOOOOOKS!! Y’know, the ones without pictures.

Broken News: (NSFW!) Hunger Games $. TMNT: It’s not the first time they been done wrong/badly. Kerry stages an intervention for TMNT fans. Mass Effect3 nerd rage wins. Your wallet will lose. Dr.Who gets juggy. Eddie Izzard is Grandpa Munster!? Carl! Stay in the house!

Basement: (NSFW!) Special Guest quizzes panelists. Hangover cures. GSPC makes a superhero movie. No females in Scott’s Aquaman movie. Avlin 3. CatDog.

0200 – New Episode:Curse of the Were-Lucas!

Basement: (NSFW!) Rain Man the video game! You can BE Stan Lee in the new Spidey game. Franken-weenie looks cool! Dark Shadows plot revealed! Lone Rangers Tonto put a bird on it!Broken News: (NSFW!) Walking Dead. Prometh. Avengers world premiere. World War Z. Teeneage Mutant (ninja?) Turtles. Mass Effect 3. Nerd rage!!
Basement: (NSFW!) Thank you phone hackers! Hitchcock news. What do the GSPC panelists do when theyre NOT in the basement. Abe Licoln: Vampire Hunter vs FDR: American Badass! A history lesson in Kick Ass Presidents. Girl w/Dragon Tat. Muppets! Carnage. Silent Hill collection. Rayman 3. The Aqua-Bats Super Show!

0199 – New Episode from the Island of Misfit Siths

Basement: (NSFW!) Jake Lloyd quits that which he never started. Acting! The proper Star wars order. IV,V,II,III,VI. No bloody I. Darth Maul is a top. Darthrantula. John Carter is getting a bad rap. You had me at booby dress. We love Spartacus. Walking Dead SUPER SPOILAGE. Terra NOva. Jon hamm, funny man. DC Nation. The Plaid Lantern? Marvel counters with Marvel Universe. The Venom movie IS happening. Remember when they were funny? Tin Tin. Young Adult. Mass Effect 3. Ridge Racers. Silent Hill:Down Pour. PSVita. Savage Worlds Combat Tracker ap. Marvel Dog clothes.

0198 – New Episode is an intervention

Basement: (NSFW!) the Geek Show vs George Lucas. Han Shot First. George is OJ? In defense od George.

Broken News: (NSFW!) the new Avengers trailer. How can you bitch about it?! Amazing Spider-man. American Horror Story 2 cast announced! MIB3. Ghostbusters 3 w/o Murray. Cowboy/Ninja/Viking! Game of Thrones. Immortals. Holy grail on blu ray. The Jerk.

Basement: (NSFW!) Bryan:”Phantom Menace, not that great.”. Leigh: “New Hope, not that great.”. Just love your shitty movies and admit they are what they are.